Liesbeth Halbertsma | Inner Sense

Liesbeth Halbertsma

Liesbeth Halbertsma
Liesbeth Halbertsma
Liesbeth Halbertsma (1956)
studied Social Sciences in Amsterdam. Later she focused on development and dynamics of organizations, couching with Voice Dialogue and devising effective meetings. She works as a coach and adviser for managers. She started her career as an organization consultant at Boer & Croon Management Consultants. Then she worked as a managing director at New Elan and at De Baak Management Centrum VNO-NCW. She focuses on questions of executives: which role should they play in transformation processes with regard to strategy, and what are the consequences for the people and culture of the organization? She coaches them individually and as a team. She is also involved in the development of organizations. Besides, she is supervisor at an educational institution and a consultancy office.