Zen Mind, Open Mind

Zen Mind, Open Mind

When I go on into the emptiness,

I will come out full and blessed,

Enjoying this empty space and feeling fine

I know what should be done

(Freely translated Bertolt Brecht)

How often do we find ourselves overloaded and therefore find it difficult to get enough sleep. In our modern lifestyle we have created a permanent storm of thoughts in our mind. The consequences are visible in our stressed way of acting. Zen puts things upside down and shows us a way into emptiness in order to regain our balance. If we incorporate moments of silence in our hectic lives, we create spaces of emptiness in our thinking. Spaces that offer us the opportunity to approach our daily problems with an open mind.

How can this be achieved? By consciously inhaling and exhaling several times in the morning. Every now and then, take a short break, do nothing and simply stay for a few minutes with this inner emptiness. Then we know again what should be done.

Photo: R. Seitz

Next training “Zen for Leadership” in Benediktushof from 28.2.-2.3.16.
See informatie and registration.