The Power of Questioning your Heart

The Power of Questioning your Heart

If you will ask your heart

Each moment with inner dedication

what should be the right path to follow

you can never go astray.

Empress Shoken

When we are faced in life and in work with a difficult choice we are often drawn in a complex field of different forces. Especially in a large company we cannot escape the political environment of manipulation. We are no longer in control and feel sometimes also pressed in a certain area which can cause a sense of powerlessness. In such situations it is difficult to find the right path.

The question then arises whether it would be wise to follow our heart. In such times we often have many inner conversations with ourselves. Our inner commentator is overactive during the day and sometimes at night, fully engaged to find a thoughtful answer for our problem.

Especially in such situations it might be good to ask questions without expecting any inner response. Just by asking the question and to leave everything open, the questioning itself activates a certain process that leads us in the right direction. Only if we do not force ourselves in choosing, the process of questioning our heart, arises a new imaginary opening that allows us to overcome the difficult choice and make the right move on the right moment.

Sometimes it is necessary to go far away – in order to return to oneself
With Zen For Leadership in Bali all the conditions are in place to restore the balance between body and mind. This is especially true for people in leadership positions. Workload appears to many a constant challenge. This program is aimed for people from a similar professional background. More information.