This moment matters as art of living!
Every new day I walk only one Path The Path of Arts That is the way of beauty And the way the Gods follow Tokoshuma Hagoromo Many of us...
Read MoreEarth Charter Diner – Sowing a culture of Peace connecting partners
Woensdag 29 juni jl. vond op het SBI Landgoed Zonheuvel een Exclusief Earth Charter Diner plaats. Deze bijeenkomst stond in het teken van International Earth Charter Day; de 16e verjaardag van het Earth Charter die jaarlijks wordt gevierd op 29 juni. Vorig jaar is ter gelegenheid van het 15 jarig Earth Charter Jubileum een Earth Charter boom geplant.
Read MoreThe effectiveness of the crocodile look
How often aren’t we frustrated because we would like to realize things with our will although reality takes us into a different direction? Obviously we cannot prevent that life often takes quite a different turn. For example if we are suddenly unfairly dismissed. We experience this as misfortune.
Read MoreLook fear in the eye and find new freedom
Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, which means the end of fear.
Read MoreSuccess and Happiness
Success is not the key to happiness
But if you love what you are doing, you will be successful
Slow is Faster
It often happens that we are in a rush, while we are unaware of it. It seems as if we constantly increase the pace with which we manage our daily tasks, and yet it seems to us that we haven’t done enough. This drives us to increase our speed even more until we reach our limit.
Read MoreThe Power of Questioning your Heart
If you will ask your heart
Each moment with inner dedication
what should be the right path to follow
you can never go astray.
Free and happy
Free and without worries
They fly from branch to branch
and from tree to tree
The birds in my garden
Happier than I am!
The power of Compassion
They’re your children too,
The people in your employ
Think of them
As you would
Of your own beloved children
Inner Sense attended World Global Leadership Forum – Unity in Diversity
From 10 to 13 March the World Global Leadership Forum in New Delhi took place as part of the World Cultural Festival.
Read MoreConnected through Insight
Het hoogste goed is als water,
Goed voor al wat leeft
Het hoogste goed is op de juiste plaats
Zijn hart is groot
Zijn geest is diep
Zijn woord is waarachtig
Zijn bestuur is rechtvaardig
Zijn werk passen
En zijn handelen op het juiste moment…
Zen Mind, Open Mind
When I go on into the emptiness,
I will come out full and blessed,
Enjoying this empty space and feeling fine
I know what should be done
Speed and Quality
Walking on the edge of the sword,
Running on sharp crushed ice,
Without using any support,
Jumping in freedom from a cliff
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